Tuesday, November 06, 2007

To the Mountains We Go

Matt and I decided on Sunday that we would enjoy the Lord's day by spending time in His creation. So we went to our favorite place, Pisgah National Forest of course. The sky was probably the bluest it's been all year. Unfortunately because of the drought, the leaves are not much to look at. The yellows all have a brown pigment in them, but you get the idea. So with this first shot of looking glass from the park way, I was very disappointed only because just 2 minutes before the Sun was shinning on the valley and on the red leaves in the foreground and it was on fire! It was beautiful. Since I didn't get there in time (b/c we had to turn the car around) I will always feel this shot will not live up to what was there just moments before. I'll have to wait another year for this shot. The leaves will be gone next weekend to try for it. :( I guess this is in a way one of the things I love so much about photography. It's the story behind catching the shot that makes it mean so much.

matt and I have decided to call this shot our Family Portrait. I think it's quite fitting and unique.

Isn't our darling Kenah Bear regal!