That's right we've got little pig tails on the way. :) I can honestly say that I knew it all along. I wish I could say how I knew, but I can't. Last night we had my mom, dad, Matt's parents, Abby and Nate and Allison and Chad over for the big reveal. Matt and I had the doc put in envelopes what we were having and then everyone came over and opened up the envelopes last night to tell us what our little one was. The funny part about the whole experience was that my mom and Matt's mom had presents wrapped that would tell us what we were having afte they had all looked. One present had a blue onesie in it and the other had a pink. After opening the envelopes Matt and I were handed the appropriate present not knowing what color was in the present. We opened our present and it was a blue onesie!! What?! I was like, "I was so sure I was having a girl". Then Matt's mom said, "oh no the girl at the store wrapped them wrong". So then we figured out that we're actually having a girl. :) I am so glad to know, but I really want to smack that woman at the store for not paying attention. Good grief! Anyway, it was still fabulous and I'm so glad everyone got to share the news with us.
Now there is another part to this story and it has to do with our doc visit yesterday. During the ultrasound we learned the baby is doing fabulous and is very healthy. She looks great and has all 10 fingers and toes. We are thrilled. The other part of the visit was not as fun. Many of you know that I have 2 fibroids. They were found at my 12 week ultrasound. The doc I met with then said they would be monitored closely and that she was not worried at that point. Apparently I have one that is 8cm in diameter and is below my bladder and next to my cervix. Now that I've had the 20 week ultrasound things are a little different. The doc we saw this time seems more concerned. I have 2 risks here: one is pre-term labor and the other is a c-section. In all honesty, I could care less about a c-section if it's needed. I just want the baby to be ok. However, pre-term labor has me concerned. Right now the doc is telling me there is a 30% to 50% chance of pre-term labor. When I was told this I burst into tears and just became a puddle right there in the office. The reason for risk of pre-term labor is because with the fibroid being near the cervix it can cause the cervix to contract early b/c of pressure. I've been told to watch for any bleeding and for 6 menstrual like cramps within an hour.
The good news is that I think the doc saw how upset I was and so she said she would set me up with this amazing specialist ASAP who could give us a better assessment of the risk of my particular fibroids. I have the appointment this friday at 10am. Matt and I are very much looking forward to the appointment just to get some answers. I know that healthy babies are born all the time to women with fibriods and that most pregnancies are fine with them. Mine seem to be little more in the "scare zone" so we would really covet your prayers.
Matt has been absolutely wonderful through this whole experience. He has comforted and encouraged me and has continued to point me to Christ. I honestly can't imagine a better husband. He prayed for the 3 of us last night as went to bed and I've never felt more comforted and secure in my life. I don't know what will happen, but I trust that my God does and for whatever reason we are meant to have this experience to bring glory to Him, for that alone, I am grateful. :) Please continue to pray for us as we will need lots of strength and wisdom to make it through.
So if you've read this far, then you deserve to know what we're naming our little girl. Her name will be Amelia Ruth. The first name is one Matt and I just loved and Ruth is for my dear sweet grandmother who I miss everyday. :)
pics are coming soon...